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有些人可能只是因為喜歡聲音而購買頌缽,僅此而已,但如果您正在尋找用於特殊練習的樂器,那麼您應該首先確定您願意用頌缽做什麼。我們銷售的大多數頌缽都適合個人和團體冥想練習、 正念練習聲音治療工作,但並非所有頌缽都適合按摩反射療法空間清潔。 

 如果你想用頌缽的聲音來唱誦,請選擇一種易於唱歌而不會拉傷聲帶的樂器,唱歌時不要太低也不要太高。 用於按摩的頌缽(壁薄的大號和中號 Jambaties)通常聲音較低,不適合帶領集體冥想。這是因為您需要非常用力地敲擊碗才能發出從遠處聽到的聲音。另一方面,具有厚邊緣的大 Jambaties 聽起來會更明亮。這種類型的碗可用於帶領集體冥想,還有較小的 Tadobaties、Lingams、Manipuries 和 Manis,它們也適合私人治療工作。







對此貼文的評論 (2)

  • 6月 24, 2021

    Dear Mary
    Thank you for your comment. I appreciate the path you are walking and want to help your son get connected to the power of sound.
    The only advice I can give in regards to choosing a singing bowl is to follow your intuition. There is no right or wrong instrument but there are sounds that make us feel a different way. Some sounds may ground us while other sounds may irritate us. Some tones can be associated with joy and lightness while others can bring us to darkness and fears.
    Please invite your son to listen to as many bows available here and let him choose the one, he connects with the most. It may end up with you not getting a bowl at all and just browsing through our website once in a while listening to our singing bowls. If that will make your life and your son’s life more fulfilled, we will take it as a huge achievement.
    With much love Guy Beider

    — Guy Yair Beider

  • 6月 24, 2021

    Hello , I am interested to buy a singing bowl and after researching it fir a few days , it is getting even more confusing than at first , I can’t read music which is a hinderance . But let me say , I am a mother of a 50 yr old disabled son that is legally blind . I had a dream he would be this way when I was pregnant ,so that is interesting .I would like to help his condition using the singing bowl.thank you for listening – Mary

    — Mary santoro
