Heavy Metal leicht spielen
In diesem Artikel möchte ich über das Schlagen der Klangschalen sprechen. Ich werde es wirklich kurz machen!
Bitte benutzen Sie die Klangschale nicht als Marschtrommel! Die Klangschale ist ein sehr empfindliches Instrument. Es ist zerbrechlich und erfordert viel Respekt! Sobald Sie den Hammer an die Wand lehnen, ertönt eine hochwertige Schüssel. Wenn Sie die gesamte Bandbreite der Obertöne erleben möchten, verwenden Sie einfach einen festeren Hammer und klopfen Sie vorsichtig damit auf Ihr Instrument.
Wenn Sie mit einem Kunden arbeiten, denken Sie bitte daran, die Person mit sanften, süßen Vibrationen zu entspannen, sie nicht des lauten Klangs müde zu machen und sich Ihrer „Heavy Metal“ -Musik hinzugeben.
Kommentare zu diesem Beitrag (2)
I’ve been to ones that were too loud and my apple watch kept buzzing my wrist (it was on silent) to let me know that the decibal alert was on. Also, I went to one last night with a lady with a very sweet voice who was singing/chanting at the end of the sivasana while playing crystal bowls, and it felt like she was off-key and it was rather distracting. Not a particularly bad experience, but also kept bringing back into my head and wondering if she was singing off-key intentionally or not? and then feeling bad because I was being judgy.
— Karin
I’ve recently did a sound bath with my son it was his first time my second time. I enjoyed it whereas he was a lil disturbed by the vibrations but said it was cool but not for him. A couple hours Later he seemed agitated and quiet while having dinner out .. after dinner we left and started walking back to our car and he stated he was feeling like he was going to loose it and I kept asking him whats wrong and he just kept getting more and more aggressive and agitated repeatedly saying I just feel Angry! Then yelling off the top of his lung’s Screaming I feel Angry I feel angry and ran off! Said all this and shared this to ask if you’ve seen this type of reaction before after a Sound bath with anyone? And what could have caused this.. was this his chakras being awoken or was this some type of psychosis episode all I know is that he kept saying he feels like it had something to do with the sound bath. It took me a while to calm him down I felt scared like he was going to attack me and he was saying things that didn’t make much sense
— Mellisa