
Singing Bowls and Sound Healing Blog

Brainwave entrainment

Brainwave entrainment

Brainwave entrainment is a method to stimulate the brain's electrical response to rhythmic sensory stimulation, such as pulsating light or sound.

Introduction of monaural or binaural beats with relatively small differentials induces specific brainwave states; such as meditation, relaxation, trance, sleep induction. Higher differential beats could enhance focus and raise brain activity. 


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The Octave and the Perfect fifth

The Octave and the Perfect fifth

An Octave and a Perfect Fifth are the most consonant combinations of tones I focus on.

It is a common phenomenon that in a high-quality singing bowl the first overtone jumps an octave above the perfect fifth in relation to the fundamental tone. In other words, the ratio between the overtone and the fundamental frequencies isn't 3:2, but 3:1. It is the triple fundamental's frequency or a "third harmonic".


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Consonance and Dissonance

Consonance and Dissonance

Any sound healing / sound therapy practitioner should know what they are. It is very important to understand the difference between these two aspects of sound phenomena and how to apply this knowledge. 

In order to bring the participant to mental, emotional and physical balance and comfort I'd usually choose the consonant combination of tones. To bring the resistance and hidden issue, in some cases I choose dissonant tones. 


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Exercise with singing bowl "Listening with the body"

Exercise with singing bowl "Listening with the body"

For singing bowl exercises for personal harmony you will need a singing bowl with a relatively long-lasting sound (at least 40 - 50 seconds). The bowl should have a high, thin wall (Jambati) 8.5 - 11 inches in diameter. Preferably the rim (lip) should be thicker than the wall. This bowl should have a significantly low tone, with a relatively high-pitched overtone.

For striking the bowl use a soft and relatively heavy mallet.


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Gongs and singing bowls can change your life!

Gongs and singing bowls can change your life!

I was IGNITED!  What followed was the arrival into my life of several bronze, nickel/silver, and titanium gongs plus several Himalayan healing singing bowls. Just as the entry of the power of gongs into my life had been completely unexpected, so was the rapidly kindled passion for searching to solve the mysterious drawing power of Himalayan singing bowls. 

Several of each of these transformative instruments came into my life just as a friend was dying with cancer. 


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Brainwave entrainment
The Octave and the Perfect fifth
Consonance and Dissonance
Exercise with singing bowl "Listening with the body"
Gongs and singing bowls can change your life!