
Note e chakra? Frode spirituale con le migliori intenzioni.

Note e chakra? Frode spirituale con le migliori intenzioni.

Ci sono molte "autorità" nella guarigione del suono e alcune di loro stanno fuorviando l'argomento diffondendo insegnamenti inaffidabili. So che alcuni di questi insegnanti sono stati fuorviati e credono fermamente che non ci sia nulla di sbagliato nella conoscenza che insegnano. Hanno le migliori intenzioni, proiettano così tanto amore e cura, ma tuttavia, se scegli di seguire ciecamente il percorso che offrono, scoprirai la verità?

Purtroppo ci sono anche falsi guru e mi permetto di dire ATTENTI ALLA FRODE SPIRITUALE!

* La chiave è che, indipendentemente dalla storia che racconti, rendi l'acquirente l'eroe.

Chris Brogan

Quando ho iniziato la mia ricerca sulle campane tibetane, una parte importante delle informazioni che stavo assorbendo sembrava essere senza senso. Uno dei miei grandi dubbi era legato alla risonanza dei chakra con il note della moderna scala musicale occidentale.

Molti siti web o negozi fisici che offrono campane tibetane in vendita, ti diranno con quale chakra è utile lavorare una particolare ciotola. Anche quando andrai in India, Nepal o Tibet ti verrà offerto di acquistare le "campane tibetane curative sintonizzate sui chakra". 

Quando ho intervistato gli anziani guaritori in Nepal e ho parlato con uno sciamano di una tradizione Bon Po, non avevano familiarità con il concetto di scala musicale occidentale o in relazione a certe note con i chakra. Tuttavia, se stai cercando una campana tibetana qualcuno potrebbe semplicemente dirti: - Sì, signore o signora, dimmi che hai difficoltà con l'autoespressione - ecco una campana tibetana del chakra della gola! Hai un cuore spezzato? - Ho la cosa giusta per te! La nota "F" funzionerà con il tuo chakra del cuore!

Gli “autentici” insegnanti tibetani di guarigione del suono condivideranno con voi la tecnica che si basa sul sistema di scala musicale occidentale (frequenze di scala moderna). Inoltre, il posizionamento delle ciotole attorno al corpo del partecipante con questa tecnica "autentica" non è altro che una combinazione di sequenze consonantiche - Quinte perfette! Esempio di posizionamento delle campane tibetane: F, C, G, D, A, E, B (quando La ciotola F2 viene posizionata vicino ai piedi o al primo chakra, Nota C3 accanto al secondo chakra, Plesso solare G3, Cuore D4, Gola A4, E5 terzo occhio, e B5 chakra della corona)

Come puoi vedere, il file Quinte perfette il cerchio inizia con la nota F2 (nella mia esperienza, il grande oggetto d'antiquariato più comunemente trovato Jambati le ciotole sono F2 e G2) e arriva fino alla nota B5. 

Perché questo sistema suggerisce di iniziare con la nota F2? Non ci sono prove di ciò in nessun testo antico! Le note della scala moderna occidentale non possono essere menzionate negli insegnamenti antichi, sarebbe assolutamente assurdo! Nota F2 ha una frequenza precisa che nel caso di A4 = 440Hz è pari a 87,31Hz. Per chi preferisce l'accordatura di A4 = 432Hz, F2 ha un valore di 85,72Hz. Se applichi l'accordatura Just Intonation, devi prima definire quale nota e quale frequenza stai prendendo come riferimento per calcolare il rapporto tra le note seguenti. 

Non importa come lo guardi avendo solo un po 'di dubbio e buon senso, diventa chiaro che l'antica tradizione tibetana NON POTREBBE essere così specifica su cosa frequenza è assegnato alla nota “F” e quindi deve esserci un'altra spiegazione al sistema sopra descritto. 

Ecco la mia intuizione su questo problema: è piuttosto raro trovare una ciotola antica con a nota più bassa di F2, ad esempio - E2 o inferiore. Inoltre, se il conteggio inizia con la nota più alta - G2 per esempio, Seguendo le successive sei ciotole con l'intervallo di Quinta Perfetta finirebbe per essere troppo alto - Re6. 

Conclusione: dal punto di vista pratico, scegliere la ciotola F2 nella parte inferiore della scala è solo più accessibile e richiede meno sforzo per essere assemblata. 

Detto questo, gli insegnanti di “autentica” guarigione sonora tibetana nella maggior parte dei casi ti offriranno un set completamente diverso. Questo set può includere ciotole contemporanee con le seguenti note: F2, C3, G2, D2, A2, E2 o E3 e B2. Come puoi vedere, queste note non formano un cerchio di Quinte Perfette. Sì, i nomi e la stringa di note è la stessa, ma c'è una sfumatura: le ottave sono diverse! 

Come persona che educa e si occupa della vendita di campane tibetane ecco quello che ho da dire: le campane tibetane che suonano queste note sono grandi e pesanti, quindi sono costose e vale la pena venderle. Questo non è tutto ... Se sei abbastanza istruito e adeguatamente dubbioso, puoi controllare la frequenza di ciascuna ciotola e vedere quanto sono lontane le frequenze dall'essere la nota esatta! 

Sì, può funzionare, ma per favore non farti beccare da nessun sistema inaffidabile!

Forse stai iniziando a sentire che sono scettico sull'autenticità di alcune metodologie offerte e persino sull'essere negativo. Per favore, mantieni comunque la tua fiducia nell'umanità anche dopo aver esaminato il secondo e più comune metodo di lavoro con i chakra.

Questo metodo “autentico” offre il posizionamento delle ciotole in corrispondenza ascendente ai chakra C, D, E, F, G, A, B. Indovina, le ottave non sono specificate!


Quando ho letto per la prima volta di questo sistema, mi sono chiesto come fosse possibile che la nota "C" della seconda ottava e la stessa nota, ma tre-quattro ottave più alta, attivassero il chakra della radice? Mi chiedo ancora perché la gente ci crede! Tutto ciò che hai letto sul metodo precedente è ancora rilevante anche in questo caso.

La colorazione del suono, ovvero il suo carattere, l'intensità, la direzione e l'intenzione dietro di esso, non solo il tono, richiamerà una certa reazione mentale, emotiva e fisica!

È molto più complesso del semplice lavorare con le note musicali per curare gli aspetti e le aree relative ai chakra, per favore capiscilo! Non fatevi bendare dagli insegnanti venditore!

Nell'articolo "Il polso di una campana tibetana", imparerai che ogni suono parziale della campana tibetana ha più di una frequenza! Nessuno ne parla, ma è così che senti la ciotola che emette battiti. Questi battiti sono il risultato dell'interferenza tra due frequenze leggermente diverse in ogni parziale (tono fondamentale e ogni armonico). Anche se una di queste frequenze colpisce il valore numerico esatto della frequenza di una nota particolare, l'altra è leggermente superiore o inferiore. Non ottieni mai un'altezza della nota esatta! Inoltre, molto spesso gli armonici delle campane tibetane dominano in intensità sul tono fondamentale. In questo caso, se ottieni una ciotola con la nota fondamentale "C" e prima armonica "G" che suona più forte del fondamentale, quale chakra tratterai?

Maggiori informazioni e tutorial esaurienti su questo argomento sono offerti nei miei corsi online "Laboratorio artistico di campane tibetane", "Campane tibetane per principianti" e "Formazione per insegnanti di guarigione del suono".

Commenti a questo post (18)

  • % b% d,% Y

    thank you for posting this. I went searching for this and found it.
    I understand what you’re saying. I would say though that it’s still an open question. you would agree there is mathematics in nature and in music? It’s not just western mind in that scale, maybe it has been distorted from the objective. I’ve read that much of the Indian music and mantras are mathematical in nature.
    Is there and absolute Do? and objective originating note. Regardless of our subjective configuration of energy, voice, chakras, heredity etc. is there objective? that is one big question.
    You can look at something like cymatic chladni plates… and be like holy S, is that what we are doing on the energetic level to chakras? But then we are so suggestible…. like if I take in news, people, opinions, all these different frequencies that are passing through with cell phones, and radio… are they affecting the subtle petals of the chakra? Chladni plates harmonics are dependent on size I’m sure so I’m not sure about chakra size or anything really.
    How to be more in alignment? how to be more sensitive… the subjective seems more influenced by attention, intention and will.
    Where do the objective and subjective meet?
    Have you read “in search of the miraculous” you might find the explanation of the law of three and law of seven in there quite interesting and how they generated the Enneagram. To be in alignment with the objective we’d need to find the objective starting point. 432? 440? something else?
    All intuition, no knowledge? all knowledge, no intuition? we need both.

    — Joseph Siracusan

  • % b% d,% Y

    Thanks for this brilliant piece. I’m just starting out on my journey but already at the point where I’m struggling with a lot of the information out there that X frequency will do this and Y frequency will do this.

    — James

  • % b% d,% Y

    Replying to:
    “When I first read about this system, I wondered how it was even possible that the note “C” of the second octave and the same note, but three-four octaves higher, yet would activate the root chakra? I am still wondering why people believe it! Really, chakra sounds?!"

    To be clear, I do not follow any traditional form of sound therapy in relation to “Chakras”. But I would like to provide insight on the thinking behind this specific system / technique you mention.

    These “C” note octaves correlate with each other because they all resonate with each other. A frequency of 128Hz (C3) will resonate with a frequency 256Hz (C4), 512Hz (C5), and so on, because an instrument with a given frequency 128Hz will resonate with the same frequency of itself or within the harmonics of itself. Harmonics are simply even multiples of a given frequency. That is why the octave of this particular note related to the “root chakra” would not matter, IF in fact the “root chakra” did “activate” with note “C”.

    There will always be confusion and conflicting information without science backed data. However that doesn’t mean that any one of these systems is invalid. The individual human is just that, individual. What works for one person may not work for another. Internal healing and balance rely on openness, belief, self-awareness and intention. Sound can be used to put us in place of mindfulness and reflect on our personal thoughts and actions without judgment or outside influence. Being in this meditative place allows for true acceptance and realization of things we would like to change about ourselves and how those changes will affect our well-being. When these internal imbalances have been identified, any frequency, music or activity that put in this place of calm will be beneficial for that specific “chakra” as your body / mind now know where to focus this attention.

    I personally do not refer to chakras as “chakras”. I refer to these areas of neurological tissue, specifically within the brain and spinal cord, as “Centers”. Each Center has its own individual glands, hormones, chemistry and plexus of neurons. With each Center having a "mind of its own” or “mini-mind” which create our whole “fundamental mind”.

    An example of this is a common occurrence wherein we watch a movie or have a fantasy that causes our reproductive system to become aroused. To emotionally ready you for sexual activity, your body secretes chemicals and hormones from those corresponding glands. Energy in that center is increasing and it is releasing a deliberate message through its own frequency. “The mind” in our reproductive area functions through the autonomic nervous system at the subconscious level. This “root center” stores a massive amount of energy. When in balance, you will find that creativity flows easily and you will be grounded in your identity.

    The body and subconscious work without conscious thought. Once you can properly identify internal imbalances, your mind and body will naturally begin to heal as long as you stay mindful of these changes. You should not have to force internal healing, balance or change. You just need to properly identify and stay mindful, which is not easy in today’s society.

    We all have to the power to heal ourselves. Any holistic sound practitioner is there to GUIDE with sound, not heal with sound. You still have to do the work. A good sound practitioner can adapt to their clients needs and may use many different tools / techniques.

    You got this!

    — Corey

  • % b% d,% Y

    Hi Denny
    Thank you for your kind words and openness. My honest suggestion is, to start with listening with your heart and ignore all the labels such as seven metals and whatever chakra. Buy only when you feel the resonance with the entity of the bowl.
    Hope that helps.

    — Guy Yair Beider

  • % b% d,% Y

    Hi Guy,

    I am really enjoying your blog, stories, discoveries and the sharing of the research you have done. I am devouring your blog! :)

    Can you offer some advice on where to start when it comes to purchasing Tibetan bowls for sound healing.

    There is a part of me that is drawn to the simplicity of starting with “7 chakra” bowls and at the same time I can grasp the information you share in your blog post about this. Any pointers on where to begin with purchasing bowls would be helpful given the level of investment.

    With gratitude,

    — Denny

  • % b% d,% Y

    Thank you, Guy. This is so well communicated. You’ve given the truth respectfully. It is an uphill battle at times educating people about the myths and misinformation being perpetuated in the sound healing community. I’m so thankful I was corrected with the truth early on in my sound healing practice, after I too was wrongly taught by well-meaning teachers. They were parroting what they had been taught and accepted it as truth, just as I did. With gratitude for you and your work,


    — Lana

  • % b% d,% Y

    I read so much about 432Hz (or 440Hz) when researching which bowl (s) to purchase. The one ended up with can’t even reach 300Hz, let alone 432. I have no clue about what that might mean for my healing, but it’s become pretty confusing. I don’t have the time or desire to work with a “professional sound healer,” but trying to figure out which bowl or method works on my own is frustrating and discouraging.

    — Kimya

  • % b% d,% Y

    Thank you for this article.
    I have been saying this for years!

    — Ava

  • % b% d,% Y

    If I’m wanting to work with the 7 chakras, what bowls (frequencies/notes) would I need? Currently working with the third eye and was about to purchase a palm sized indigo colored third eye singing bowl. Then I found this article and am concerned. Thank you!!!

    — Ashley Anderson

  • % b% d,% Y

    Hello and thank you for this article.

    So are you saying that the solar plexus chakra bowl I have is not proper? And the third eye one I have in my online cart is also not proper? Is it all just a marketing ploy? I sincerely hope for your reply.
    Thank you so much.

    — Ashley Anderson

  • % b% d,% Y

    Hello. This was so interesting to read. I am a sound practitioner in Toronto, just finished my trauma certificate at Laurier and have been approaching my work from a nervous system regulation angle. I see it as a co- regulation session where I serve through the bowls to either up or down regulate to achieve greater embodiment and presence. So I’m curious to hear you talk about chakras, as they are not part of my language…. Just interesting 😊

    — Ruthann

  • % b% d,% Y

    Very excellent commentary about the beautiful art and craft of sound healing and acoustic physiology. My own sense, and from personal experience, is that sound “healing” comes from creating an internally coherent energy and resonance field that helps anyone or anything become more relaxed, integrated and in tune with themselves, no matter what musical scale is used.

    — John Kline

  • % b% d,% Y

    Thank you! :)

    — Forest

  • % b% d,% Y

    Dear Rachel
    Thank you for your question. I don’t mind using frequencies that are lower or higher than the standard number of cycles per second prescribed to the specific note within the specs of a specific system (concert pitch). From my perspective and experience, all frequencies and music intervals matter. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason to follow the far-fetched methods of using exact notes or frequencies to achieve better results with sound healing. Just follow the principals of music theory, physics of sound, psychoacoustics, physiology, psychology, and ethics.
    Hoping, my reply is helpful.

    — Guy Yair Beider

  • % b% d,% Y

    Hi Guy,

    Thank you for your interesting article. I am hearing that a lot of the crystal bowls (“out there”) are not actually tuned to the purity of the notes claimed. I purchased crystal bowls that indicate each of them are slightly flat from the notes I wanted. That would be a flatted C, F, and B. Have you heard anything about the effects (ill or otherwise) on the body if one is using flatted tones of crystal bowls during meditations. Typically, the crystal bowl has been instrumental for shifting me into a good meditation space.

    — Rachel

  • % b% d,% Y

    Thank you so much for this article!

    I’ve only just begun my shopping for tuned instruments for chakra balancing. Since I’m a yoga nerd AND a musician, seems like a great fit for me and my curiosities.

    Problem is, within minutes of browsing I was as perplexed as you are regarding the notes and the circle of fifths with respect to the chakras/frequencies.

    I will still be buying a set at some point, but not without some more digging into this very subject. My internet wanderings lead me to your piece and I’m glad to be reading it.

    Thanks again for your detailed assessment!

    — Abby

  • % b% d,% Y

    Dear Adriana
    Firstly, I would love to thank you for choosing the path of service.
    I am very grateful for the insight you are sharing with such integrity and must say, that sound practitioners with accredited certificates are finally starting to express concerns about the “traditional” chakra-note approach. We are not alone in it :).
    I’d love to continue this conversation and therefore, will send you a personal email. Meanwhile, here is my offering to answer your question… Please follow the link below.
    Best regards.
    Guy Beider

    — Guy Yair Beider

  • % b% d,% Y

    Hello Guy
    Thank you for this great article.
    It strike me the most the following statement:
    “It is much more complex than just working with the musical notes to heal the aspects and areas related to the chakras, please understand this! Do not be blindfolded by the salesman teachers!”
    And I thank you for sharing your knowledge and information. I am a sound healing practitioner and I have struggled with the rather simplistic approach of sound frequencies in the human being. I am yet myself learning and understanding more about the mystery of sound. I have been researching into courses on counselling that could support my current work with sound, as the understanding of healing is so vast and expansive, that sometimes I feel to lack tools to work with my clients. They want to learn and grow but only with the techniques I have learned I feel left short in practical tools that can be active and realistic and the person can work with, because it is not also about coming to be healed and then being fine.
    It is a whole active engagement required in their life’s. This is where I feel counselling comes hand in hand.
    With all this I am wondering if you have come across any person that dives and study deeper into a wholistic and real/practical approach to sound healing.
    Thank you for your time.

    — Adriana

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