
Sound Bowl Meditation

Sound Bowl Meditation

How do you meditate with a Tibetan Singing Bowl?

Disclosure and Background: I want to be clear from the outset: the technique of using a singing bowl for meditation that I detail below does not originate from any specific traditional or established meditation teachings. It is important to me that you understand this. The method came to me in a rather intuitive manner. Over time, as I continuously engaged with and refined the technique, I found its effects to be deeply resonant and transformative. It's a testament to the beauty of personal exploration and discovery within the realm of meditation.

Before embarking on this particular auditory journey - singing bowl meditation, it's crucial that you have the right tools. Specifically, you'll need a sound bowl that can produce at least two distinct overtones apart from the fundamental tone. This is pivotal in ensuring a layered, multidimensional sound experience. Furthermore, a mallet of medium firmness will be required to elicit the sounds from the singing bowl. The choice of mallet matters, as it should be able to tease out the deepest tone of the sound bowl, and then, at least two additional tones that are higher in pitch. From my personal experience, I've found that the hand-hammered Himalayan singing bowl, often referred to as the Tibetan singing bowl, serves this purpose beautifully. Especially if you choose one of medium or large size. The craftsmanship and history behind these bowls often translate to an unparalleled richness in sound.

Singing Bowl Meditation

Singing bowls are more than just musical instruments. Their rich harmonics, combined with the soothing reverberations they produce, set them apart. When struck or played, they generate a sound spectrum that has the potential to transport the listener to a state of deep relaxation and inner stillness. With this in mind, it's no wonder that these bowls have become increasingly popular in meditation circles, even if they are sometimes used in non-traditional ways, as in the method I've devised.

As we proceed, it's important to approach this practice with an open heart and mind. By immersing yourself fully into the sound waves and harmonics of the singing bowl, you open a door to a profound meditative journey. Here's how you can delve deep into this sonic meditation:

1. Positioning the Singing Bowl for meditation: Begin by aligning the singing bowl's rim with your forehead. It should be about three to four inches away. You can either delicately hold the bowl at your fingertips, offering minimal resistance to its natural vibrations, or place it on your open palm. Alternatively, position yourself in front of the sound bowl placed on a table or any flat surface such that it aligns with your forehead level.

2. Striking and Listening: Gently strike the singing bowl. As you do, you'll be met with a beautiful, polyphonic blend of multiple tones resonating together. Allow yourself to be fully present, absorbing every note.

3. Isolating a Tone: Among the many tones emanating from the singing bowl, let one particular tone captivate your attention. This could be the most prominent tone or even a subtle overtone — the choice is yours. Try to mentally separate this chosen tone from the others, directing your entire focus towards it. Keep your concentration unwavering until the tone naturally fades away. This is what meditation with singing bowl is about.

4. Repetition and Exploration: You can repeat the exercise as often as you like, letting the repetitive act deepen your meditative state. After you've familiarized yourself with one tone, select another tone from the singing bowl and repeat the process. With time, introduce a third tone to your practice.

5. Note on Sustenance: A more prolonged, sustained sound from your singing bowl aids in maintaining prolonged concentration and focus. This ensures you spend more time in singing bowl meditation rather than repeatedly striking the bowl to produce sound.

6. Diving Deeper: Typically, singing bowls emit more than just a couple of distinguishable overtones. As you grow more adept at this technique, challenge yourself by tuning into additional, subtler tones the singing bowl offers. This can deepen the layers of your meditation, adding more dimensions to the experience.

7. Expanding Awareness: After several sessions focusing on individual tones, attempt to expand your auditory attention. Embrace all the tones produced by the singing bowl simultaneously. It's like weaving the individual threads of sound into a holistic tapestry of meditative awareness.

8. Further Resources: This is merely the beginning of a rich journey with singing bowl meditation. To delve deeper into techniques, intricacies, and the rich history of singing bowls, seek out comprehensive tutorials and resources on singing bowl meditation.

Remember, like all forms of meditation, consistency is key. As you continue practicing, you'll find your ability to concentrate and distinguish among tones will enhance, offering you deeper and more profound meditative experiences.

Find more information and comprehensive tutorials about singing bowls meditation here.


This meditation with singing bowl, profoundly affected me. The harmonious vibrations not only heightened my concentration but also allowed me to discern the myriad energies coursing within me. Through this insightful exercise, I was empowered to differentiate and select the energies that best resonate with my spirit and being. Furthermore, this meditation deepened my comprehension of the profound statement, "Happiness is a choice." It made me realize that genuine happiness emanates from within and isn't solely reliant on external circumstances.

Each one of us is akin to a vessel, continually transmitting and receiving a vast array of energies daily. Drawing a parallel to the singing bowl, which produces a multitude of distinct sound partials, our lives are composed of numerous facets. Each moment, each emotion, and each thought adds to the intricate symphony of our existence. To truly understand and appreciate life's music, one must be able to concentrate on every single aspect with genuine intent. Engaging both heart and mind, free from any distortion or biases, allows us to fully familiarize ourselves with the entirety of our life's melody. This holistic approach is the very essence of achieving inner completeness and true self-awareness.

If you have stumbled upon this article about singing bowl meditation and found its content enlightening or resonating with your personal experiences, it would mean a great deal to us if you could spread the word and share it with those in your circle. Such knowledge grows exponentially when shared. Your perspectives and reflections are invaluable to us. We eagerly await your insights, so we invite you to pen down your thoughts, personal experiences, and feedback in the comments section located below this article. Your engagement enriches the community, and we are truly grateful for it.

A heartfelt thank you for your time and attention.

Comments on this post (2)

  • maj 26, 2021

    The software I used is called VoceVista overtone analyzer.

    — Guy Yair Beider

  • maj 26, 2021

    What software is used to isolate the tones here?

    — Edmund Diggle

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