
Singing bowl Thadobati TC#15

Headphones on recommended
  • Fundamental Note: C#/Db4 (Do#/Reb4)
  • Fundamental(Hz): 270-272
  • Overtone Note: G5 (Sol5)
  • Overtone(Hz): 776-800
  • Style: Thadobati
17th Century
This bowl has a clear, awakening sound. Rare combination of modulations on the level of fundamental and first overtone makes this bowl sound so special and enigmatic. The range of fundamental frequencies matches the Delta range of brainwaves and the range of frequencies in matches Beta!  Practicing conscious listening to this bowl is a good way to achieve clarity. The sound is pretty intense, yet it's smooth. It’s good to use this instrument with other bowls in group meditations. Also, this bowl is an excellent tool for personal meditation and healing sessions. It could be used at the beginning or at the end of the session to bring the client into the "here and now" state.
This bowl is easy to play by rubbing the rim, however, the fundamental tone is dominating over the higher pitches. This bowl is equally good for beginners and experienced practitioners.
Frequencies: 270-272hz (C#/Db4-5hz). Monaural beats range Delta. 776-800hz (G5-8hz). Monaural beats range Beta. 1488-1492hz (F#/Gb6+8hz). Monaural beats range Theta. Other frequencies: 2333hz.
Includes complementary singing bowl cushion, striking mallet S2 and rubbing mallet R2