18th century
Extra-large Manipuri with a medium thickness of the wall. Low grounding and enigmatic sound that takes the listener straight into subconsciousness when being played. It seems like this instrument allows you to travel in time. It shares the story of masters who achieved a state of a clear mind. Plays easy with suede and wooden ends of the playing stick and brings up the equally good fundamental tone and the overtone. Grounding and relaxing sound of this bowl makes it perfect use for private healing sessions, and with such an intensity this bowl could easily play, it also should be included with no doubts in group meditations.
Frequencies: 144-148hz (D3-3hz). Monaural beats range Theta. 428-432hz (A4-8hz). Monaural beats range Theta. Other frequencies: 836hz, 1328hz, 1919hz, 2581hz.
Includes complementary singing bowl cushion and singing bowl mallet and R2.