
Antique singing bowl Jambati JG#89

13.3/8"x6.1/2" (34x16.7cm)
Headphones on recommended
  • Size 13.3/8"x6.1/2" (34x16.7cm)
  • Weight 152.52oz(4326g)
  • Fundamental Note: G#/Ab2 (Sol#/Lab2)
  • Fundamental(Hz): 105-106
  • Overtone Note: D#/Eb4 (Re#/Mib4)
  • Overtone(Hz): 317-320
  • Style: Jambati
18th Century
Rare, giant Jambati that is nearly impossible to find in such a good shape with perfect sound characteristics. Antique bowls of this size were hunted mainly by European collectors back at the end of the nineties up to 2012-2014. Almost every giant bowl that has been found after this period of time, such as this Jambati, is an instrument that was preserved in a private collection for years. The bowl you are looking at finally got the opportunity to continue the journey thanks to the personal considerations of its owner. 
This instrument is NOT for any kind of practice and surely not a massaging bowl (due to its heavyweight), or a bowl that according to a new fashion is being used to step into! It could find a perfect spot in performing rituals and ceremonies and it could add great value to any antique rear bowls collection.
Easily plays the fundamental tone with a suede padded end of the mallet or overtone when being rubbed with the wooden end.
Frequencies: 105-106hz (G#2+1hz). Monaural beats range Delta. 317-320hz (D#4+6hz). Monaural beats range Delta. Other frequencies: 621hz, 997hz,1437hz.
Includes complementary singing bowl cushion, striking mallet S1 and rubbing mallet R3.