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Antique singing bowl Jambati JD167

Headphones on recommended
  • Fundamental Note: D3 (Re3)
  • Fundamental(Hz): 148-149
  • Overtone Note: A#/Bb4 (La#/Ti4)
  • Overtone(Hz): 454-459
  • Style: Jambati

19th Century Hefty Jambati Singing Bowl

Step into the resonating embrace of this thick-walled, weighty Jambati singing bowl - a true masterpiece of the 19th century. Its enchanting, heart-opening tones carry a calming message of release and renewal, inviting you to "let go" and find serenity within.

With exceptional clarity and effortless rim play, this bowl stands out as a prized instrument. Its vibrant, high-pitched tones transcend the ordinary, making it a perfect companion for solo meditation, personal healing sessions, and sound therapy practices. Equally suited for beginners exploring sound healing or experienced practitioners seeking refinement, this bowl delivers unparalleled versatility.


  • Primary tone: 148–159Hz (D3 +1Hz), supporting delta brainwave entrainment.
  • First overtone: 454–459Hz (A#4 -7Hz), fostering theta brainwave states.
  • Additional harmonics: 889Hz, 1348Hz, 1432Hz, enriching the auditory spectrum with depth and complexity.

This exquisite singing bowl comes complete with a complementary cushion, striking mallet (S1), and rubbing mallet (R3), providing everything you need to unlock its transformative sound. Let its serene vibrations guide your journey to balance and harmony.
