18th century
This exceptional instrument produces a sustained and harmonious sound that resonates with longevity. Its tonal qualities strike a harmonious balance, neither too intense nor too subdued, ensuring a tranquil and safe auditory experience for the listener—a rarity to encounter such Jambati singing bowls with this particular tonal range.
When employed with the provided suede-padded mallet, this bowl effortlessly produces both deep and high-frequency tones, making it an invaluable asset for various meditative practices, including personal and group sessions, as well as self-healing endeavors. Its versatility renders it suitable for both novice practitioners and seasoned experts alike.
Frequencies: 97-99Hz (G2 Concert pitch). Monaural beats range Delta. 294-296Hz (D4 Concert pitch). Monaural beats range Delta.
Other frequencies: 578Hz, 927Hz, 1325Hz
Includes complementary singing bowl cushion, striking mallet S1 and rubbing mallet R3.